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New & Used Ridg-U-Rak Pallet Rack

Shop All Ridg-U-Rak Pallet Rack
96 3/8" x 3 1/2" Used Ridg-U-Rak Beam

Item #: 107324

1,497 in stock KC

Price: $19.98

Pallet Rack Used
Pallet Rack Used
Pallet Rack Used
120 3/8" x 4" Used Ridg-U-Rak Beam

Item #: 180883

393 in stock KC

Price: $24.98

Pallet Rack Used

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Ridg-U-Rak Pallet Rack

New and Used Ridg-U Rak Pallet Rack

Warehousing professionals choose the Ridg-U-Rak name in pallet rack systems for their 70+ years of experience in the industry and their product diversity. These unique locking pallet systems are perfect for startups and high-growth companies because installation is quick, and the solutions are created with safety in mind.

One of the most versatile and common rack systems in the industry, Warehouse1 relies on Ridg-U-Rak pallet racks to provide strength, efficiency, and safety in a durable system.

Interested in a push pack, drive through, or teardrop style pallet system? Warehouse1 houses one of the largest inventories of used and new pallet rack materials, so we can customize a solution for every customer who comes to us. Since 1989, our team offers some of the fastest turnaround times and highest quality materials in the business. We carefully select the materials that still perform at the highest standard.