Warehouse1 Wins Material Handling Equipment Award
Thirteen-time Award Winner
For the thirteenth year in a row, Warehouse1 accepted the Most Valuable Partner (MVP) Award! The material handling equipment industry’s trade association, MHEDA (Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association) has granted this prestigious award since 2013.
Material Handling Equipment Award Criteria
In order to win the award, recipients must satisfy a rigorous set of criteria. In fact, less than 7% of the association’s membership has earned the award. As a 2025 MVP, Warehouse1 successfully demonstrated a commitment to business excellence, professionalism and good stewardship. The company met criteria in the following important areas
- Business Best Practices
- Industry Advocacy
- Customer Service
- Continuing Education
- Safety Practices
- Business Networking
Recommendations Received
Just to qualify for the annual MVP Award, companies must provide evidence of their commitment to their partners in business--their customers, suppliers, and employees. Warehouse1 received glowing recommendations in each of these groups:
Stuart Muehl of Kahn Steel, a customer of Warehouse1, said, "They have been an excellent source for various products and services both big and small. The staff is always exceptionally friendly and helpful. We look at Warehouse1 as more of an ally than a vendor."
Steve McClintock of Modern Equipment Company-Omaha, a suppler for Warehouse1, said, "MECO has been a supplier of Warehouse1 for over 20 great years. We are pleased to recommend them for MVP award. Warehouse1 is well deserving of this honor."
The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) is the only national trade association dedicated solely to improving the proficiency of the independent material handling distributor. MHEDA represents close 650 companies in the material handling equipment business. Located in suburban Chicago, the association provides services to companies seeking to improve their business through education, networking, benchmarking and best practices.
"MHEDA members represent the best of our industry; and those who earn the MVP Award have documented that excellence and commitment to their customers, employees and the material handling industry," said Scott Lee, MHEDA’s Chairman of the Board. "MHEDA is very proud of our MVP Award winners."
To find out more about what separates Warehouse1 from other material handling equipment suppliers, visit our About Us page.