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Saving Money by Going Green in Your Warehouse

Environmental sustainability is a movement that extends to virtually every industry today. Not only does it impact a company’s overall carbon footprint, it is also a cost-effective way to do business.  How can you make your warehouse greener? Follow these environmentally-friendly tips.

Visual illustration of metal halide lighting versus T5HO lighting.

Reconsider Your Lighting

Lighting is estimated to be the biggest energy expense in a warehouse, according to a study by Smart Energy Design. Did you know that by making a few swaps, you can save up to 50% on your lighting energy bills? Here are some things to consider:

  • Install motion sensors in low-traffic areas. That way, you’ll know that energy is only being used when it needs to be.
  • Bring in some natural light with skylights or solar panels. Harnessing the power of the sun can reduce your dependence on electricity.
  • When it comes to lighting, think fluorescent! These lights use less energy for the same amount of life than their incandescent counterparts.
  • Clean and replace your lightbulbs and lamps frequently. Keeping them free of grime and buildup ensures that they are being used to their full lighting potential.

Turn to Your HVAC Specialist

Your local commercial heating and cooling guru can save you lots of money and keep your warehouse green. Having them do a walkthrough and make suggestions, whether it’s upgrading your insulation, performing equipment maintenance, or installing programmable thermostats, HVAC specialists are usually full of ideas when it comes to saving money on heating and cooling.

recycling_palletsRecycle, Reuse, Repurpose Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest difference in reducing your carbon footprint. Use these tips to save you some green, while going green:

  • Consider going paperless. Whether it’s invoices, customer receipts, or memos, offering a paperless option is one of the easiest ways to conserve paper. Printing on demand will also save you money on postage and ink.
  • Reuse your pallets. An estimated 54% of pallets are thrown away after one use, but they can be used again and again.
  • Use shipping boxes and packaging made from recycled materials. This means bubble wrap made from recycled plastic, repurposed packing peanuts, and recycled paper. Even little steps can make a big difference in conservation.

If you think that it’s time for your warehouse to go green, we have many solutions at Warehouse1. Contact the experts at Warehouse1.

By Gary Selvera On September 18, 2015


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