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Preparing Your Warehouse and Lift Equipment for Winter

As the cold weather hits, one of the most important things you can do for your business is to ready your warehouse  for the harsh months ahead. Warehouse 1 is an expert in customizing solutions for your materials handling business and we are your source for achieving best practices to keep your business running as efficiently as possible.

Winter preparation isn’t something that happens easily overnight. In fact, it’s a vital process involving intelligent planning to stay ahead. Utilizing this advice can save you big money. Following these helpful tips is a great way to put your best foot forward in setting up safe, cost effective winter.

lift tablesWinterizing Your Equipment

A huge, unseen cost can be replacing your warehouse equipment as business picks up in the spring. Your lift equipment can be one of your biggest investments. While natural wear-and-tear is inevitable, improving and maintaining the condition of your equipment before months of cold storage and hard wintertime use inhibits depreciation much quicker.

Approach lift maintenance the same way you approach your car. Cutting corners and ignoring important precautionary measures in preparing for harsh conditions can destroy your vehicle. This is especially important if your racking is outside. It’s easier to overheat in cold weather if your lift equipment isn’t properly maintained as well.

A problem that might seem minor, like a leak in your radiator, a crack in your battery or corrosion on wires all can contribute to a potentially devastating financial problem. It’s important to hire a technician to properly inspect and maintain not only lifts, but all your equipment including conveyors, dock equipment, stackers, and more.

Other Tips…

  • Check your heating system to ensure an acceptable climate for working conditions. This will make for a safer environment and will prevent catastrophic events such as warehouse pipes freezing.
  • Stock up on salt in the event of a shortage or quick winter storm. Better safe than sorry.
  • Keep floors clean and dry from debris and remember to use indoor forklift for indoor jobs.

Warehouse 1 offers a number of services and products designed to increase your bottom line by improving your handling and storage operations. Check out our large inventory to find out where we can help you today!

By Gary Selvera On October 1, 2015


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