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Benefits of Sortation Systems in Your Warehouse

Whether you are a small business that has outgrown its current resources or a multi-million dollar corporation with logistical issues, an automated sortation system could be the answer to your problems. However, with so many different types of technology on the market, how do you know if a sortation system is what you need and whether it would benefit your business?

The Value of Automation Sortation SystemsImage of sortation conveyor.

Automated sortation systems are incredibly valuable for businesses that can no longer efficiently and effectively control the distribution, picking, sortation, and handling processes related to large amounts of inventory. Simplifying operations and reducing the need for human intervention, these systems increase throughput, improve productivity, and ensure better accuracy.

3 Ways Your Business Could Benefit

While automated sortation systems are clearly valuable and effective tools, how do you know if it’s right for your business? In addition, how do you choose the correct technology and provider? Here are three of the top benefits associated with automated sortation systems. Read through them, analyze your processes, and then determine whether these key features would benefit your daily logistics and operations.

  • Shipping sortation. How much time does your warehouse spend preparing shipments? If orders are overwhelming your distribution center and accuracy is becoming a major issue, an automated sortation system can help. Depending on the system you choose, it can quickly and accurately sort shipments based on a wide variety of factors and pre-established specifications.
  • Return handling. Surprisingly, many organizations do not have an effective method for handling returns. If you are shipping out large volumes of items, you are bound to have returns and need a way to appropriately receive, restock, or transfer inventory. Automated sortation systems are designed to handle returns in a hands-off manner.
  • Unloading capabilities. Automated sortation systems are widely used for efficiently unloading inbound containers, sorting the inventory, and then preparing it for the next location or process. If inbound shipments and containers slow down your business, a sortation system can be a major benefit.

The Choice is Yours Only you understand how your business operates and what needs you have. However, if any of the three benefits mentioned above sound like they could improve your distribution center’s accuracy or efficiency, it’s worth looking into. An investment in an automated sortation system is an investment in your company’s future success. When choosing a sortation system, take the time to study your needs and develop a unique and effective system that’s customized to offset your deficiencies.

If you are interested in learning more about automated sortation systems, contact us today at Warehouse1.

By Gary Selvera On November 25, 2014


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