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How to Assemble a Pallet Jack (Video)

Employee shows how to use a newly assembled pallet jack.

Warehouse1 has two options for pallet jacks, and the unassembled option requires some hands-on work. All you have to do is install the handle - simple pallet jack assembly!

Pallet Jack Assembly Steps

Materials Needed

All materials needed will come with the product from Warehouse1. This includes:

  • Handle
  • Chain with nuts
  • Two pins
  • Allen screws
  • Allen wrench

Step 1: Get out the parts

Remove all the parts from the packaging. Once you take the handle out, you will notice the chain with nuts on the bottom of it. This is for the pallet jack's trigger.

Step 2: Set handle and hook the chain in the lever

Set the handle on the jack and wrap the chain onto the lever. You might need someone to hold the top of the handle while you do this.

Step 3: Adjust the nut as needed

Sometimes you have to adjust the nuts on the chain in order to get it into the corresponding loop. If this happens, just take it out, adjust it with your hands, then put it on the handle and it should work much better.

Step 4: Hand-tighten nut to secure chain on the lever

Once you get in, hand-tighten it down to make sure it's secure. Again, the handle is large and might require someone to hold it while you put the chain in.

Step 5: Insert two pins to secure handle to pallet jack

Put the two pins in the handle to hold it in place. The holes are on the sides of the handle.

Picture of the pin that holds the pallet jack handle in place.

Step 6: Hand-tighten Allen screws into both pins

Use the Allen screws to tighten the pins. Hand-tighten them for now on both sides into both pins.

Image of an allen screw used to tighten the pallet jack pins.
Allen Screw

Step 7: Tighten both Allen screws with Allen wrench

Now use the Allen wrench that Warehouse1 provides you for your pallet truck assembly to tighten the Allen screws. Don't make it extremely tight: you might want to replace these some day.

Image of an allen wrench used to tighten screws.
Allen Key

Step 8: Remove push pin

Now that we have the handle in place, pull it down to release the push pin on the inside. This pulls out and releases the tension on the spring. That way, you can pull your handle back up with ease.

Image of push pin that needs to be removed.
Push Pin

Step 9: Use your pallet jack!

Now your pallet jack is ready to use!

Now you can push up and down to jack the pallet jack. To lower it, just lift it up and pull up the handle. Then the jack will lower itself to the ground.

If you have any questions about assembling a pallet jack from Warehouse1, contact us or give us a call: (816) 483-6999.

By Gary Selvera On October 7, 2019


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